Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Family Photos!!

My friend Reece is very, very artistic.  I first saw how artistic she was a few years ago at a friends shower and she drew a fantastic picture for the couple.  She has then randomly posted pictures here and there on facebook.  She has the eye for things that the common folk can't see...or do...or draw.  Recently Reece has started a little side hobby in photography.  She does not want to call this a job and doesn't want it to develop into a full blown I will call it a hobby.  :)  She mentioned that she was looking for a few test subjects to help build her portfolio.  I volunteered right away...because

1.  I love photos of our husband dreads them because I stress everyone out picking out outfits.
2.  We have several test subjects in our family.
3.  This would present Reece with a challenge:)  Ever tried to photograph 4 little kids and have them all looking at the camera at the exact same time?  Not easy if you haven't practiced or do have a good head swapping program. 

So Reece photographed our family in the park behind my parents house.  I think she did a FABULOUS job!! I love how she captured the sun and used it to her advantage.  LOVE...LOVE...LOVE her photos.  I seriously almost started crying (tears of happiness of course) when she sent them to us.

If only you were there to see our wonderful little 4 year old during this photo op.  She was quiet a riot. She had several different poses all planned out.

Enjoy!  Oh...and Reece loves to show others her artistic "LIKE" her on facebook:  HERE!!


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