My Faith!

My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is an important part of who I am and how I live my life.  I don't know where I would be without him.

Some bullet points as to my faith:

-I am not part of a denomination or religion.  I don't need to be a part of either one to be saved.  I believe what the Bible has to say.  Not what a "religion" dictates what we should believe.

-I am a sinner, saved by grace.  I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins (and the sins of everyone).  I believe that he rose again.  That by dying for us, he gave us eternal life if we BELIEVE!.  I am not saved through works.  I am saved by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 3:16
For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.  That who so ever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

Read more about what must YOU do to be saved:  HERE!

 Posts I have written about my faith:

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