Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A few random thoughts for the week!

Yup.  It is another random thought posting.  I know at least my mom and sister read my blog...so I hate to disappoint them and not post anything...:)
Just a random pic from school today...my almost 4 year old!!!
~~I joined *another* *big sigh* weight loss challenge.  It has been going on for a month now.  I am not sure I have seen any progress.  Sean says he has. So we will go with that.  The snow and kids with colds are really ruining my mojo...thank goodness for our indoor bike. 

I have been eating better about 90% of the time.  I splurged while we were on vacation and have snuck a few things here and there. 

I am just hoping that everyone else in the competition are complete slackers....

~~I am getting extra nervous about this 1/2 marathon that I signed up for.  I have this training plan...which is becoming hard to follow when life and sick kids get in the way...darn you YMCA for not having a room for kids with colds....but I am doing my best with what I have here.  The most I have run "in my short 1 year of running" has been 8 miles.  I ran that extra....extra slowly...but hey I was in the running motion.  A friend reassured me last week that people walk the thing...so I may not come in last after all...but I still might finish at the same time as my marathoner friends.  :) 

I had a really weird dream last night that I got lost, took several hot cocoa breaks, and then realized I forgot to bring a flash light since I was still working on finishing at dark. 

Is it weird that I am already planning out my outfit?  I hope not.

~~I have my days when I think to myself...does Sean realize all of the stuff that I do during the day....it is a crazy day teaching these kiddos, keeping the house in order, cooking, cleaning etc.  Then I sit down...or stand up...which ever position I may be in at the time... and realize...why yes he does!

We have different jobs.  My job is the keeper of the home.  I LOVE my job.  I wouldn't trade it for any other job out there.  Sean has a different job.  Head of the household.  Not keeper of the home like mine.  His days are about a million times crazier than mine. His work never leaves him.  He gets e-mails and phone calls non-stop...when he is not at work...but technically he is always at work....just not physically.  That is his job.  His job is extremely stressful...so lucky to have him as the our head of the household.

~~Last month I started a group to help me stay accountable for reading the Bible in 90 days.  We are over half way through and as of today...and....I am right on track!  When is the last time you opened up your Bible and just read away.  I know life gets in the way.  Kids keep us busy.  Work--whatever you do, takes away our focus.  But try to carve out at least a few minutes a day to open it up.  You won't regret it.  I promise.

~~Do you ever have a secret that you can.not.wait to tell someone?  Sean and I are going to take our girls somewhere tomorrow night.  I can't wait to see what their reaction will be.  Jocelyn has a pretty nasty cold right now...so hopefully she will be able to stay up late to enjoy her surprise.   Thanks to my dad for thinking about our little munchkins:)

~~I am going to have a 4 year old little boy in 11 days!!!! 

Is it weird that I have been obsessing over his cake for like 6 months now....and I switched it again last week?  That isn't weird is it?  I am thinking not.  Can't wait to start spreading the frosting!  I hope he likes it!
~~and last...please pray for our little family over the next few weeks.  We have a lot of things swirling in the air right now.  Sean will be traveling quiet a bit over the next few weeks.  He may have some big decisions that need to be made.  A bit of prayer would help.  Thanks:)

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