Showing posts with label truth in the tinsel days 18-24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth in the tinsel days 18-24. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Truth in the Tinsel: Days 18-24

We have finished our Truth in the Tinsel activity-- a bit early-- because we will be traveling....overall it was a really fun activity for the girls and I.  It was a great opportunity to learn about the birth of Jesus Christ and to teach them the truth surrounding the events and sort out what they see in movies or in storybooks.

Day 18 & 19
Luke 2:8-20

These two days focused on the angels that appeared before the shepherds in their fields.  We do not know what angels look like, but we used feathers to recreate the common look.  We also don't know how many shepherds there were that visited baby Jesus, so we just made one.  The account of the shepherds in the Bible gives us a good indication that Jesus was not really born in the month of December...check it out for yourself:) 

Day 20 
Luke 2:21-40

When Jesus was 8 days old they took him to the temple to be dedicated to the Lord.  While they were there two people who recognized him as God's Son (Simeon & Anna). 

Day 21 & 22
Matthew 2:1-12

The star in the East led the Magi to Jesus.  We do not know exactly when they visited him, but guesses are when Jesus was between 17 months-2 years old.  Kind of funny that you see nativity sets with the Magi giving baby Jesus the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  I guess it isn't funny...they must have missed that part in the Bible.  We also don't know how many magi there was that visited Jesus.  The Bible does not give an exact number.

Day 23

This was supposed to represent the fragrance type gifts that were given to Jesus...they smelled really good...but it was a total flop.  I guess I was supposed to maybe grease the cookie sheet or something.  They were supposed to be cinnamon and applesauce ornaments.

Day 24
Katelyn made a little cross to represent the ultimate story in the Jesus didn't stay a baby forever.  Yes it is a sweet little story...however the ultimate...ultimate thing he did was give his life.  He took all of our sins on the cross with that we would be forgiven...if we believe in him...that he did this and then rose again.  That's it. 
The magi from day 22 & the cross from day 24.

And Jocelyn's summary of our month!

Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.  Not of works lest any man should boast.