Sunday, November 21, 2010

Still patiently waiting...

Today is my official due date. I have gotten many calls and e-mails to see how I am doing..thanks..not doing much of anything...that is usually how it goes for me. Starting to think we just should have stayed at home to wait. I didn't bring the kids' coats and the weather has turned quiet a bit since we have been to Omaha. I keep thinking it would be easier just going back home to wait, but the weather is a bit sketchy this week and there is state high school playoffs for football in Lincoln during the next few days which could also jam up the interstate.
It is interesting hearing everyone's opinions on how I can get the show on the is interesting hearing some other opinions on how our due date isn't correct...thanks...I just know when this little guy feels that he is ready to join the world...he will let me know.
My husband has been patient...thank you honey...I know it is hard not living in your own home and being around your own things. I know it was hard for him missing deer rifle season this past week as he didn't have anywhere to hunt locally and it was too far for him to go down to southern Missouri. His employees have been kind of driving him nuts every time he walks in in the morning. Thank goodness there will be break soon for Thanksgiving!
Don't worry I will put something on Facebook when things get going and I will attempt to put pictures on our blog.:)

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Location:Summerwood Dr,Omaha,United States

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