Tuesday, October 9, 2012

RV Trip of a Lifetime-- Part 6 -- the girls pics

This is my last post on our RV trip of a lifetime. Kind of a silly name for my postings...it is what my mom called it.  So I went with it.

The girls each had their own digital camera while we were on this trip.  They were really more trouble that they were worth....so when they forgot to bring them places...I was a bit relieved.  Looking back though I wish they would have taken more pictures...even though they were just one more thing for me to keep track of.

Jocelyn's Photos:
A silver tree:) 
 A fountain on our way to the musuem
The Hope Diamond
                                                          A few pics of animals:)

 Grandma standing in front of the Washington Monument!
 Her first ride on the subway!
 Some more fountains at the Memorial Park
 Her sis!

 A dog she met:)
 At the Nationals game!
 and meeting her Aunt Danee for the first time.  Well this is a pic of Kate meeting her.

Katelyn's Photos:

Poor Kate.  She snapped away...and snapped away...and then I realized she wasn't pushing the button hard enough to actually take a picture.  So she didn't have very many:(
She captured this on our walk to see some sights:)
 I believe this was the first airplane looked like.
 The US capitol.
 Washington Monument
 And a shark at the museum.

and that is all folks!  I hope you enjoyed seeing the sights and sounds of our vacation!!


  1. Uhh, that's okay, but next time, why don’t you try helping out Katelyn with operating the camera? Maybe the reason why she wasn’t pressing as hard was because she was afraid of breaking the camera. Well, these moments are milestones to keep, Psalm. Your RV trip was definitely worth the while. :)

  2. It looks like you truly enjoyed your trip! :) Hmm, ever wondered why there are a lot of fountains in some recreation sites? It must be the belief that it has a cathartic effect, which could create balance in the place. Anyway, update us again on your next RV trip! It would also be a good idea to bring folding chairs, maps, and even sunscreen to prepare you for whatever situation you may face. :)

    Rosalinda Rudloff

  3. Looks like you’ve had a lot of RV trips, right? It’s a good thing that you have an RV to accompany you on all your trips! Anyway, keep posting and keep sharing your wonderful RV trips. I really enjoy reading your posts! Thanks!

    -Tobias Thrash
