Thursday, April 22, 2010

Flat Stanley Project with the kids

A couple weeks ago we received this little guy in the mail...his name is Flat Stanley. My niece, who is in second grade in Grovespring, Missouri has been learning about Flat Stanley's adventures. The girls and I were excited to finally be able to enjoy the nice weather and we took Flat Stanley along. In case you don't know who Flat Stanley is, he is a character in a book series where he goes on adventures around the world. I can't wait to do something similar with my kids as they are homeschooling!
We weren't going anywhere exciting, but here are a few pictures of where we took Flat Stanley!

First Stop--Pioneers Park! Love that Place!
Feeding the geese

Visiting an old school houseKatelyn sitting with Flat Stanley on the columns

Our state capitalMy alma-mater-- the University of Nebraska LincolnStrategic Air & Space MuseumThe Lincoln Children's ZooMahoney State Park-- was way to windy when we went, so we only got one picture..we were afraid Flat Stanley was going to blow away.

1 comment:

  1. Can I be Flat Stanley and vacation with you guys? Looks like great fun!!! Oh, and I thought those were geese not ducks. LOL PS I won't tell Sean. Tee Hee!!
